Modular Platform for IoT Devices

Key Features

Modular IoT system prototyping platform suite of components

  • Host and Peripheral boards ‘click together’ to implement the use case
  • Clean and Tidy system, no interconnection cables.
  • Many IoT use cases can be delivered by clicking together a Host and Sensor Peripheral Board

Host boards

  • Ultra Low Power and Wireless
  • LoRa, LoRaWAN, BLE and more
  • STM32 Cortex M0+, M3, M4, M7
  • Nordic Cortex M4
  • NXP Cortex M0, M3
  • Arduino also supported with an AT-Mega328 board
  • Linux also supported with a pocket-BeagleBone n-Block
  • All Host boards have common pinout: 240 pins in 4 low profile 60 pin connectors

Peripheral boards

  • Ultra Low Power Sensing
  • Application specific motherboards (3D printer, Industrial control…)
  • Display boards
  • Extended Wireless Sensor Network functionality
  • Actuators and Motor controls

Development motherboard

  • Breakout and prototyping
  • Mbed-enable
  • Ultra Low Power development support

About Us

The n-blocks team

The n-blocks team is a group of dedicated hardware engineers and developers who have worked over the past five years to produce a fast IoT platform for academics and hobbyists.


n-Blocks PRO is a PLUG and PLAY modular hardware and firmware platform. The platform comprises of HOST PERIPHERAL and MOTHERBOARD boards.

The HOST boards come in different ‘flavours’, consist of a CPU mostly based on ARM-Cortex-M Microcontrollers, featuring Ultra Low Power and Long battery life..

The PERIPHERAL boards are Sensor, Wireless, or application specific with Ultra Low Power features

The MOTHERBOARD is used on development providing Ultra Low Power Sensing, full CPU pin breakout, Networking and connectivity.

Our product is intended for engineers, developers, academics and hobbyists....

For anyone interested in creating next generation Internet of Things (IoT) applications click below to find out more!

Want to know more?

Nikolaos Chalikias

Lead of n-blocks

Contact Nikos on:

email: nikolaos.chalikias@cit.ie

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